成分 : 無蛋素羊肉、文冬薑、豆醬、老抽、天然黃糖、天然香菇調味料、Omega油。
使用法 :浸在热水中5分钟,剪开铝箔袋,准备上菜。
無添加防腐劑 ,不含人造色素 , 不含人造香精
Ingredient: Eggless Vegetarian Mutton, Bentong Ginger, Bean Paste, Soy Sauce, Natural Brown Sugar, Natural Mushroom Seasoning, Omega Oil.
Nutrition Facts (per 100g) Energy 171kcal / Fat 10.6g / Carbohydrate 13.0g / Protein 5.8g
Use direction: Heat it with hot water for 5 minutes, tear off the aluminum foil packaging, and ready to serve.
No Preservatives, No Artificial Colouring, No Artificial Additives
Expired Date:1years from now