成份說明︰水,青豆仁, 磷酸二澱粉, 醋酸澱粉,荸薺,糖,杏鮑菇,素肉粒,蒟蒻粉,鹽,芹菜,胡蘿蔔,卡德蘭膠,香菇,棕櫚油,乙醯化己二酸二澱粉,小麥纖維,薑,醬油,大豆油,酵母粉,L-麩酸鈉,芝麻油,D-山梨醇,白胡椒粉,多磷酸鈉,香料,昆布液,氫氧化鈣,二氧化鈦,5′-次黃嘌呤核苷磷酸二鈉,5′-鳥嘌呤核苷磷酸二鈉,琥珀酸二鈉,味霖,八角粉,花椒。
過敏原成分標示: 本產品含有小麥,大豆及芝麻。本生產製程廠房其設備或生產管線有處理奶或蛋。
Ingredients: water, green peas, distarch phosphate, starch starch, water chestnut, sugar, pleurotus eryngii, vegetarian meat, konjac powder, salt, celery, pigment, calderan gum, shiitake mushroom, acrylic oil, acetonitrile Distarch diacid, wheat fiber, ginger, soy sauce, soybean oil, yeast powder, L-bran, sesame oil, D-sorbitol, white pepper, sodium polyphosphate, pigment, lamina, calcium, titanium dioxide, 5′- Inosine nucleoside phosphate disodium, butterfly butterfly nucleus butterfly two, disodium succinate, mirin, eight powder, Chinese pepper.
Original ingredient mark: This product contains microorganisms, soybeans and sesame. The equipment or manufacturing of this machine process factory has processing milk or eggs.
How to eat:
1. Make soup
2. Hot pot
Expired Date:18months from now