成份 :无蛋大豆纖維素鳕鱼,文冬姜,南姜,香茅,辣椒乾,亞叁膏,亞叁葉,麻瘋柑葉,黃姜,天然喜馬拉雅鹽,天然黃糖,Omega油,天然香菇調味料。
使用法/喝法 :浸在热水中5分钟,剪开铝箔袋,准备上菜。
無添加防腐劑 ,不含人造色素 , 不含人造香精
Ingredient: Vegetarian Eggless Soybean Fibre Fish Fillet, Bentong Ginger, Galangal Ginger, Lemongrass, Dried Chili, Asam Jawa, Asam Leaf, Kaffir Lime Leaf, Turmeric, Natural Himalaya Salt, Natural Brown Sugar, Omega Oil, Natural Mushroom Seasoning.
Nutrition fact (per 100gm): Energy 350kcal, Carbohydrate 16.0g, Protein 6.8g, Fat 30.6g, Sodium 650mg
Use direction: Heat it with hot water for 5 minutes, tear off the aluminum foil packaging, and ready to serve.
Benefit: Improve eating appetite, ward off cold.
No Preservatives, No Artificial Colouring, No Artificial Additives
Expired Date:1years from now