成分:瓜英, 姜丝, 红姜丝, 茶瓜丝, 芋头丝, 花生丝, 芝麻末, 鱼生酱, 薄脆, 胡椒粉, 五香粉, 桔饼丝 和 柠檬丝。
1. 斋鱼片 – 100GM ( 10片 )* 选择性
2. 生油 – 2汤匙
3. 酸柑 – 2-3片, 芫茜
4. 雪梨一粒(削皮切丝)
1. 先将杯中配料倒出沥干。
2. 分别倒在大圆碟上。
3. 将丝备用之雪莉摆放在于碟中央。
4. 再把花生末, 芝麻末, 芋头丝, 及薄脆等干料分别渗在雪莉丝上。
5. 斋鱼片先渗上胡椒粉, 五香粉, 生油及酸柑。
6. 将酱汁倒上后再渗上芫茜即可。
7. 最后大家齐齐捞生。
Ingredients: Papaya Slice, Ginger Slice, Red Ginger Slice, China Cucumber Slice, Yam Slice, Grinded Ground Nut, Grinded Sesame Seed, Ready Mixed Sauce, Bo Cui Cracker, Pepper, Herb, Dry Lime Slice and Pickled Vegetable Slice.
Preparation of YEESANG ( Vegetarian )
Varients:MCM Yee Sang ( Vegetarian ) 1 Box
1. Vegetarian Fish Slice – 100gm ( 10PCS ) *Optional
2. Cooking Oil – 2 Tablespoons
3. Lime 2-3 slice, some Coriander
4. Pear 1pc ( Peeled & Sliced )
1. First of all, drain the Yee Sang varieties.
2. Place the varieties on a ground plate respectively.
3. Place the shredded pear at the middle of the plate.
4. Add up grinded ground nut, sesame, yam and bo cui cracker on the top of the pear.
5. Mix the sliced vegetarian fish with pepper, herbspices, oil & lime before put into the plate.
6. Lastly, pouning in the ready mixed sauce and add some coriander on the top.
7. Finally, everybody ” LOU SANG ” together.